Saturday, October 09, 2010

Poem by Trudy Lewis

The Terracotta Steps

The two terracotta steps
At the foot of the French doors
Bask in the full sun

The strong paint clings
To the curvaceous bricks
Hot with colour

Four people cluster on them
Spread out at intervals
Respecting each other’s space

In the silence
They gaze out in wistful contemplation
Beyond the sap green grass and the ultramarine sky

The discourse they have heard sits deep in them
Each feels the stirrings
Of their own spirit

Their bodies are frailer now
Their hair has lost its lustre
But still these pilgrims return

The passage of time
Does not exist on
The terracotta steps

There is only that moment
That discourse
That revelation
That reflection

And the deep awareness of each other
A bond that transcends the intervals of seasons
A listening of the heart

As the decades unfold
Through pain, success, loss and laughter
On life’s journey

They unite again on the terracotta steps
They seek the unspeakable joy
Of just a hint of the mystery behind the golden veil

Trudy Lewis